Italian Made Cyklop Series

Electronic Gummed Tape Machines

Cyklops gummed tape dispensers offered some of the first reliable electronic machines on the market. Cyklops electronic machines offer top heaters, double brush moistening, adjustable water levels and weights for the pressure plate.  Optional tape printer available.

The best feature on the new Lapomatic is a total "electrical" system utilizing 24v DC power.



The Lapomatic (formerly C-25) offers a reduced voltage heater, metal side frames, and a great moistening system. The Lapomatic  has been redesigned with an automatic measuring device. 

Need Cyklop Parts? Click here.

Manual Gummed Tape Dispensers

Private Labeled by Tach-It.

Support Documents for Gummed Tape Dispensers:

New Pressure Sensitive Tape Dispensers:

Ulimatic on the left, Uli Standard on the right.
These pressure sensitive tape dispensers offer a new way to dispense sticky tapes. Click for more details.


Parts List

C-24 w/Printer
Parts List
Parts List
Parts List
Parts List

Support Documents for the older PST dispensers:

Some parts are still available for the discontinued parts. Visit our parts pages.

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