Product Type: Water based pressure sensitive resin adhesive replacing GF 779.
Applications: For adhering paper labels onto untreated polyethylene and untreated polypropylene bags and containers, as well as other tough to stick inked or varnished surfaces. Adheres to almost any surface.
*Features: These adhesives remain tacky even when dry, providing a strong suction bond on untreated plastic. When traditional resin adhesives fail, GF 779G should be used.
Application Equipment: Manual and electric tabletop label gluers such as those manufactured by Gluefast. They can also be used in the Labelette. Gluing equipment should be cleaned daily for best results.
FDA Status: Ingredients comply with regulations for us in Food Packaging Adhesives as per regulation 175.105. These adhesives are also chemically acceptable to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and may be used with other packaging materials in minimal contact with meat or poultry food products prepared under federal inspection.
*Note: Surfaces and information above are suggestions only … final tests for suitability remain the responsibility of the user.
Freeze-Thaw Stability: NO
pH: 4.6-5.3
Viscosity: 1,500 to 2,000 cps
Solids: 53-58%
Cleanup Solvent: A 50:50 solution of alcohol and water or a strong industrial solvent. A waterless hand cleaner is suggested for removal of adhesive from the hands.
Storage Conditions: Store at room temperature. Rotate stock using oldest material first. Shelf life three months. KEEP FROM FREEZING.