We are here to help.  Fill out our material evaluation form and send it with a sample roll of your material. Click here for the pdf easy fill form.

Please fill out complete to help us determine the best dispenser.
Name: _____________________________ Company: _________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
PH: _________________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Email: ____________________________ Co Website: ________________________
Circle type of dispenser desired:
Electronic         Manual       Non-Adhesive       Electric Label        Hand Held
Describe the process being performed:  ______________________________________
Require Cut Length (s) and Tolerance: _______________________________________
Type of Tape: __________________________________  Width: __________________
Type of Label: __________________________________ Width: __________________
Number of pieces per shift: ___________ Number of shifts per day: ______________
Type of Environment (Cold, wet, etc.): ______________________________________
Other details you think might be helpful: ____________________________________
Mail this form with your sample material to:
Pro Pack Solutions®, Inc.
2421B Lance Court
Loganville, GA  30052
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