Our Motto is:  We Tie It, Seal It, Lick It, and Stick It®!!!

A company will spend millions developing a product and offering it for sale. But what does your box look like when the customer receives it? Image is Everything. What impression do you want your customer to have when they receive your products? Click for details

Education is important, yet few places offer knowledge and know-how on packaging equipment. Most of our products are unfamiliar to the layman and those outside of the industry. This page offers descriptions of our products and packaging methods. Find cost effective alternatives to increase your work flow with the packaging solutions below. You can also find product-specific information including manuals and videos on the specific product pages.

We offer several products to help improve your shipping department. 

The right fully adjustable packing bench puts everything within arms reach minimizing movement. A paper cruncher offers a recyclable void fill solution using rolls of paper. Water activated gummed tape dispensers securely seal cartons with brown tape with a permanent bond with the carton fibers offering the insurance for making it to your customers with the best image. We also offer magnets to hold smaller shipping tools like cutters and hand held tape dispensers. For labels, keep them all in one place with manual label dispensers. Need to bundle power cords or hold things? We sell twist tie material by the spool.

Coding and Marking Products? From hand coding to versatile Smart-Jet Ink Jet Printers!

Info on different methods. Click here.

The above printer started a revolution in dating and coding boxes over 40 years ago. Extremely cost efficient per print. The QM7500 and QM1610 use ink bladders.

Label Dispensing: Dispense and apply labels via pick and stick & Label Applicators to automatically apply. 


Tape Dispensing Applications - Gummed Tape Dispensers

Cupping the tape is an easy way to control the tape and keeps your hands cleaner. Gum tape creates the best seal to vermin proof and show damage to the carton when the tape is tampered with.

Seal smaller boxes faster and easier with gummed tape.

Code boxes while dispensing tape while you pack. The Codetaper Attachment is a low cost method to code the tape.

Other ways and methods to improve work flow:

Benches - Conveyor - Placement

Clam Shell problems? Customers open packages, spill contents, and you need a way to reseal? We offer a low cost solution.

Shipping Benches - Organization! We offer the Dehnco line. Put everything in arms reach and work faster. Email for details.

Twist Tying/Bundling - Bag of bread, bundles of wires, even tree saplings. Click Here

Pressure Sensitive Tape

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