The American made Marsh manual is built on the same platform as the electronic models. Each handle pull dispenses up to 36" of tape. Equipped with the largest water bottle in the industry and a single brush moistening to increase efficiency in moistening gummed tapes. Tank heater heats the water in the tank so the brush is able to better moisten the tape for fast adhesion to the carton fibers.
Easy to use. Pull the handle, release, take the tape, seal the box.
As an added service we will include a free maintenance kit for the operator to periodically service the tape dispenser. Click to add and for more info on the kit, click here.
Blade maintenance is required when using the heavier tapes and in some instances can interfere with productivity. On the newer 2100 style machines you will need to remove the blade guard to clean and oil the blade. On the older machines the scissor blades are held in place with only two screws, it will take approximately five minutes to remove and clean. At Pro Pack, we do not recommend spray type cleaners or spray oils on this machine due to the possibility of over spray on the moistening brush. The blades are cleaned with a solvent type fluid (lighter fluid works great) and coated with a thin film of oil that will prevent build up of gummed materials.
With single brush moistening it is also very important to keep the brush clean weekly with soap and water. Dish washing detergent (like Dawn) works best as hand soaps can contain hand softeners which will interfere with the moistening characteristics.
1) What is the best way to seal a box?
The adhesive on water activated gummed tape will permanently bond with the carton fibers and will show evidence of removal if someone tampers with it and offers the most secure method. Plastic tape is easily removed with a hair dryer or other heating device and in many cases shows no evidence of being removed. If you are packing high value items it pays to seal the boxes with the most secure tape.
2) What is the most cost effective way to seal a box?
3) What is best? An electronic or manual tape dispenser?
Manual gummed tape dispensers are easily placed anywhere in a warehouse since they do not need electricity. The operator pulls the handle to dispense, releases the handle, removes the tape, and applies. Heaters are an option to help the glue reactivate but then you need electricity. With electronic tape dispensers the operator pushes a button, a premeasured length is dispensed and the operator removes it and applies it to the carton. Usually heaters are standard. The major advantages of the electronic dispenser are consistent tape dispensing speed with a heater to optimally moisten the tape and the tape savings by only dispensing what you need. It is estimated using an automatic dispenser will save 25% of tape.
4) What is the best model to get?
Depends on your application. There are advantages between the different model and life expectancy. We are available to discuss what features might benefit you the most. Most American made dispensers if properly maintained will give 8-12 years of good service. Replacement parts and service should also be considered since a machine will need service at some point. Over the life span you will service a machine 2-3 times before replacement. Make sure to buy from a source that offers parts and service.