Fits Better Packages BP400, BP754, BP755, BP755e Series, CB125, all Derby models, CounterBoy 33A, and TapeShooter 150 gummed tape machines.
2) When should I replace the moistening brushes? If the brushes are full of dried glues, if the brushes are damaged, if the tape is getting wet but not sticking to the box, if the brushes look burnt are all indications they need to be replaced. Try to clean first, but as the most important function of the tape dispenser, it's vital the brushes work.
3) How do I maintain the brushes? A few drops of dishwashing detergent (without hand softeners) in the palm of your hand and then swishing the brushes back and forth to remove the dirt and grime build up. Rinse well.
4) Do I really need a heater? With todays adhesives heat is not mandatory unless you are in a cold environment. Warm water works faster than cold, but cleaning the brushes is more important in most cases.
5) Should I buy refurbished or used brushes? Moistening brushes are like paint brushes. Once the glues have dried in the bristles they are damaged. Removing the hardened glues will also remove bristles rending the brushes less effective. When adding the cost of shipping, used brushes are not a good buy versus the cost of new.