Product Description: Plastic spooled tie, with groove centered.
Tie Ribbon Raw Material Specifications: PolyWire® - A proprietary polyolefin polymer core
Plastic - A member of the styrenic family of plastics, pigmented to match various colors. ASTM D5511 Additive - EVA copolymer.
Tie Ribbon Dimensional Specifications: Wing Thickness .0053"-.0063"
Appearance: Uniform in color with no discoloration. The tie surface is to be smooth except where necessary to conform to the strand. The tie shall have no kinks, twists, or tears which would detract from finished package appearance.
Construction: Construction to consist of plastic lamination. Lamination bond will be of such strength that plastic tear will result before delamination of plastic surface occurs.
Spool Wind: The traverse rate shall be fast enough to prevent tie tangling. The spooled tie shall have sufficient traverse and proper edge build so that no overwinds (or other problems) occur which present steady payout from the spool.
Standard Colors: Red, White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Black
Standard Packaging: Tie Matic: 2000 ft/spool, 5 spools/case