Bottlematic Circuit Board for the single label dispenser. The circuit board has changed over time. We recommend purchasing the assembly with the motor cover to avoid any problems installing the board.
This is the updated board. Depending upon the age of your dispenser you may need to replace the motor cover and order a new wire harness. The newer board uses a six pin connector with a two pin connector next to it.
Note: If you need to replace your circuit board, check to see which bottle gap switch your machine has. If there isn't a white dot on the switch, you will need to replace both the board and switch with the conversion kit, click here. If you wanted to change to a two label (front and back) label applicator, order the conversion kit for the Bottle-Matic II, click here.
On the older model there is a ten pin connector with a two pin connector next to it. Below is a picture of the old circuit board: