Fits the Better Pack 333 and includes the mounting hardware. This heater will also fit on the Phoenix manual dispensers.
Not to be confused with the 123P-TH55PXXXK heater for the BP500. The difference with the BP500 and this BP333 heater is that the BP333 heater comes with a longer power cord so that it can be directly plugged into a wall unit. The TH55PXXXK heater has a shorter cord, because the cord plugs into the side frame of the electric machine.
Replacement brushes are the PW107AK moistening brushes.
Note: If your tape is not sticking the heater may not be the problem. Moistening brushes need to be cleaned every week or two with dish-washing detergent. (Avoid hand soaps as many contain oils). The bristles on the brushes will scratch into the glues to reactivate the hardened dried glues and help the water penetrate into the glue. Worn brushes will cause the water to bead up on the tape and give dry spot with uneven moistening. Brushes should be replaced every 3-5 years depending upon usage.