Image is Everything!

Millions spent on an image, but little emphasis on what the customer sees first. 

The box it ships in!

Securely close your packages with a Gummed Tape Dispenser.

 The Marsh TDE model.

Millions of dollars are spent making, promoting and keeping the image of a corporation at its best.  Take your own "test".  Visit your shipping department when UPS delivers.  Take a good look at your received packages.  Notice the condition of the received packages and what type of tape was used to seal them. 

Digital Printed Tape Delivers the Message! Read our blog.

How do you feel about the "look" of the packages?  Do you trust the contents? How do you think your packages look when your customer receives them?

If you have cartons sealed with poly tape, are they sealed well?  Are there multiple strips of tape holding the flaps down?  Does the packaging look professional?  Do you trust that the contents are new, clean, and in good shape?  How do you feel about the image of the company sending their products?

If you have cartons sealed with gummed tape, are they sealed well?  Compare your feelings with the same questions above.

9 times out of 10 the gummed tape looks more professional, and you feel better about the contents. Our most popular machines are listed above. 

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