Spending a fortune on pressure sensitive color labels?
Why pay for the high cost of pressure sensitive labels? Buy gummed paper stock, use a computer to create your own label and use a color printer to print. Cut to size, moisten with a label moistener, and apply to your cartons. For larger labels or high production areas, use a label gluer like the LM Potdevin or the Gluefast Captain B with a 5% glue formula and plain water.
Gummed paper is not as common as it was 40 years ago. If you cannot find it you can always use a better grade of plain or glossy paper to produce labels with then use the label gluer with full strength adhesive.
Give your packages a neat colorful appearance at a fraction of the cost of pressures sensitive labels.
Gluefast Captain B Gluer can also be used for duplexing sheets of paper together to make thicker stock for invitations, etc.